Sunday, July 13, 2014

Easy Breezy Sundays

We've been attending church in the congregation where our new place will be, about 35 minutes away right now, but it will only be five once we move.  It is technically a ward, but on our first Sunday there we counted a total of 43 people in Sacrament meeting.  Primary was made up of our three and one other families four children.  

During sacrament meeting I kept looking around me and did the math: there was no way I would be able to hide or scrape through for three years giving only one talk.  It was fast and testimony Sunday (where any members of the congregation can stand up and share their love and belief in Christ with us) and I knew I was going to have to be brave and just get up there.  I hate public speaking and usually have an emotional breakdown and anxiety attack when I've been asked to speak in church.  But, I want to be able to contribute to this little community we are now a part of and I want the Lord to know that I am willing to serve where ever He may call, even if that means I have to jump outside of my comfort zone.  So at the last minute before the close of the service I went up there, heart pounding and hands shaking and said hello and told all of those friendly, empathetic faces that I knew Christ, that I knew this is exactly where I was supposed to be and that I hoped my Father in Heaven could see that I was trying.

For me, that was enough excitement for one day so we went home and took it easy . . .

Logan and Jude set up some very involved looking animal/mermaid/superhero/dragon conference, but I think the white tiger got offended.

Arden enjoyed some tablet time all to herself.

And I took selfies in the bathroom while Jonathan napped.

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